
Human capital is powered by brain health

The Challenge

Our wisdom is walking out of the workforce.
70% of labor force participation decline is due to aging workers.

Cognitive skills are overlooked and underdeveloped.
Emotional intelligence, creativity, neurodiversity and systems thinking are critical in the new economy.

What we are doing is not working.
Employees report decreased mental wellbeing.

Our Approach

Measure what matters most.
Develop tools to help organizations identify opportunities for improvement.

Use science and data.
Identify interventions that make the biggest difference.

Demonstrate direct returns.
Evaluate impact on key performance measures that CEOs and shareholders care about.

The Goal

Improve Brain Health and Skills.
Demonstrate improvements in brain functioning, skills, and resilience, and a reduction in the prevalence of chronic health risk factors that lead to poor brain health.

Improve Results for Business.
Demonstrate direct impact on stock price, earnings, employee recruitment, retention, productivity, engagement, creativity and other outcomes that matter to leaders.

Our Progress & Goals

Join Us

Join a collaborative of private sector leaders developing innovative solutions to improve cognitive health and performance for a more prosperous, inclusive economy.